Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let's get started

Ok, so I've always wanted a blog, a place to share my thoughts and ideas. A way to get out what I think are interesting thoughts, but my husband thinks are silly notions. Even if I never have a follower (oh, but how I want followers!), I think this will be a creative outlet and a way to journal. If my experiences make someone smile, that would be great. I know I will never get a book or movie deal from this (a la Julie and Julia) but maybe I'll fulfill the need for intelligent conversation. Even if it's just with myself.

About me. I've been married to my DH, Joe, since September 2008, but we've "been together" since 2002. In April 2010, we were blessed with the arrival of our beautiful baby girl, Mia. She's a constant joy and I'm amazed everyday by how she grows and changes. Our little family also includes a fiesty, 3 year old Pomerianian-Rat Terrier named Zoe.

As a profession, I'm a Medical Laboratory Scientist. That's the new name. The old name is Medical Technologist, sometimes known as Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Basically, I perform the tests on the blood, urine, and other bodily fluids that is taken from you at the doctor's office or hospital. No, I don't draw blood. Since having the baby, I am now "on reserve" at the hospital, which means I work a few days a month. I'm not going to lie, it's OSM to only work a few days a month. It's a great opportunity to get to stay at home with my baby and still keep my skills sharp in my field. And the little extra spending money doesn't hurt either.

As for my mommy-style, I'm kind of a hodge-podge of everything. I exclusively breastfeed my baby, and we chose to do baby-led weaning/solids instead of traditional purees. I like to say I baby-wear, but I don't do it often or very successfully. As much as I'd like to try cloth diapering, I haven't been able to pull the trigger on that, so we use disposables. Oh, and I'm pro-vax.

So that's that. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Hope you enjoy my blog!

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