Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Goodbye Itsy Bitsy Bikini

I'm not ashamed to admit it, I've always been a slender gal who looked pretty damn good in a bikini. Never mind that I didn't have much to fill up the bra-cups, and perhaps that's why I preferred the ones that the ladies with the over-inflated fake boobies wear that only cover their areolas (and they say nursing in public shows too much boob!). On me, they covered my entire breast and then some. But I think my bikini-wearing days are behind me. Its true that I have shed most of my baby-weight, and perhaps have even dropped as low as my high school weight, but my body... well, it just isn't what it used to be. To be more specific, I have this tummy-flab issue that just won't go away. I've never had a six-pack, or hell, even a two-pack, but my stomach used to be much more presentable than it is now. Plus, there's the whole issue of if it's okay for a mom to wear a bikini. I don't think I'd judge other moms if they did, but I'd feel like I was being judged all the time if I wore one.

So today when I was at Target, I thought I'd check out the tankini selection. Um, how sad. Nothing looked cute, and my choices were pretty much black, brown, or army green. Not the fun, bright colors that I'd usually pick. This tankini search I feel will be a long one.


  1. I am Mystic603 from BBC. I saw your blog and clicked on it hope you don't mine. But I am so happy you wrote that. I was the same way jut skinny enough to wear a bikini for my entire life. I weigh exactly what I weight before giving birth, but my body will never be the same. So I gave up and went out and bought 3 tankinis. I guess it just comes with the territory. I know if I worked out I could get in a bikini but who has the time. BTW I cannot even sew a button, if it was already attached to the shirt.

  2. Thanks for reading, Jessica! I did finally find a cute tankini myself at Old Navy. I bought it home and showed DH and he said "is this because you think you're fat?" Men just have so much tact.
