Saturday, March 12, 2011

It must be nice to be a Dad

NOTE: I realize that not all Dads are the same. Some are super involved and even perform roles typically performed by moms. Some do way less than my husband. This post is purely intended as a vent.

It really must be nice to be a Dad. To be able to get up and go where-ever, whenever you please without having to worry about what you're going to do with the child(ren). To be able to sleep in if you want to and tune out the sound of your child's voice. To perform your chores and tasks without interruption and without a child attached to your leg or crying out for your constant attention.

As I sit here and write this, my husband is sleeping. He is normally the morning person. Saturdays are supposed to be my day to sleep in while he gets up with the baby. Sure, I wake up when she does to nurse her, but after that, I get my one free hour to sleep. It is divine. Except for the fact that I'm usually wide awake because the baby is laughing/squealing/whining the entire time I'm trying to sleep in and I can't sleep at all. But, I digress.

Today, I really need that extra hour of rest. Tonight I'm working my paid job until 11pm. Once I get home, pump, and get ready for bed it will be 12:30. Wait, no, scratch that, it will be 1:30 am because tonight begins (ends?) daylight savings and we lose an hour. So I will get a grand total of 4.5 hours of sleep, assuming that she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night. And tomorrow morning we will go to church; its something I feel is important for our whole family.  

Why is my husband, the morning person, sleeping in, you might ask. Well, last night he went to play hockey with his buddies at 10:30 at night. Did he have to clear it with me to make sure that I’d be home at the time since our little one would be sleeping? Oh, of course not. Of course I’d be home. It would be crazy to think otherwise; I’m the mom and that’s my job.

Dads have it so easy! They get the love and admiration of their children and all they have to do is be there occasionally and play with them, take them to fun things like baseball games. They don't even have to be the disciplinarian anymore like in the old days of "wait till your dad gets home."

My husband does help a lot. He helps with dinner if he's done working in time and usually cleans up. He changes diapers (even poopy ones) and gives Mia her baths. And those rare days I get to sleep in, he gets up when Mia does (if he's not up already), changes her diaper, and brings her to me in bed so I can nurse her there. He's not all bad. I just wish he had some sense of the burden I carry being a mom. I guess it's a burden I'll have to carry on my own, along with the majority of all other moms the world over.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with everything you wrote! My SO helps a lot, too.. he just will never truly understand the meaning of my "job"...
